Friday, November 22, 2019

JFK /56 years later

Today mark the 56  years after the assassination of our beloved 35 president of the United States. It was a beautiful sunny day in downtown Dallas, Texas. The roar of the crowd waiting for The President  to arrive  at their destination.So they could get a glimpse of the handsome 46 years old President.  All walks of life came to immortalized this historical moment in time. But then as The President convertible  motorcade turn on Elm Street. It became a nightmare. At exactly 12:30 pm ; three gun shot rang out. The crowd went crazy like a stemped of a cattle drive. The motorcade  rush our beloved President to Parkland hospital. Where he was pronounced dead at 1pm central time. But today on this anniversary of his death. We are honoring our President; not his assassination. So in closing I'm leaving you with one of his qoute..."Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country "